Why Bayan Institute?

Nostra posizione

L’istituto si trova nella città di Verona, in provincia di Veneto.
È un’area intermedia nel nord Italia sulla linea Venezia-Milano, la linea più trafficata d’Italia.
La posizione si distingue anche per essere sulle rive del fiume Adige e vicino ai parchi naturali. Il sito è considerato nella media nelle aree di densità e presenza musulmana.

I nostri programmi​
  • Specialization courses
  • Diploma in Arabic language
  • Teaching qualification diploma
  • Three-year course in Islamic sciences
I nostri vantaggi
  • Corsi preparati secondo gli standard di qualità accademica italiana ed europea.
  • Un sistema educativo integrato (in diretta da remoto).
  • Competenze scientifiche ed esperienza accademica.
  • Un ambiente di apprendimento preparato e luoghi adeguati.
  • Collaborazioni interne ed esterne con istituzioni educative simili.
  • Certificati approvati dall’istituto e riconosciuti dalle istituzioni partner.
I nostri obiettivi

1- Formare e qualificare imam e guide in modo integrato per soddisfare le esigenze dei musulmani in Italia e in Europa.
2- Formare insegnanti e insegnanti che abbiano le conoscenze e le competenze per educare i giovani e gestire le scuole arabe.
3- Costruire ponti di conoscenza e comunicazione civile nella società e promuovere i valori della convivenza.
4- Fornire un ambiente accademico specializzato per i ricercatori e coloro che desiderano conoscere l’Islam.

Statistiche dell'Istituto

Programmi accademicl
Corsi professionali
Il numero del professorl
Il numero dl studentl


Bayan Institute announces the launch of parallel programs for the current year 2024
The Italian Institute for Islamic and humanitarian studies (Bayan) announces...
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(Bayan) announces the launch of the intensive program within the Professional Development Diploma for Faculty Members
The Italian Institute for Islamic and Human Studies (Bayan) announces...
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Bayan Institute announces the launch of the event of writing the university book of the Institute
The Italian Institute for Islamic and Human Studies (Bayan) announces...
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A large presence of visitors marked the Open Day of the Institute Bayan in Verona
Today, Sunday 6 August 2023, the Italian Institute of Islamic...
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Bayan Institute announces the start of preparations for the New Year and the launch of the summer program
The Italian Institute for Islamic and humanitarian studies (Bayan) announced...
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“Bayan” Institute holds official opening ceremony amid large official and academic presence in Verona
Today, Sunday, March 12, the Italian Institute of Islamic and...
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“Bayan” Institute announces official opening, with a large official and academic presence in Italy
  “Bayan” Institute announces official opening, with a large official...
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Opening enrollment for the first academic year 2022-2023
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“Bayan” Institute announces official opening, with a large official and academic presence in Italy
  “Bayan” Institute announces official opening, with a large official...
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“Bayan” Institute holds official opening ceremony amid large official and academic presence in Verona
Today, Sunday, March 12, the Italian Institute of Islamic and...
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Bayan Institute announces the start of preparations for the New Year and the launch of the summer program
The Italian Institute for Islamic and humanitarian studies (Bayan) announced...
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Academy archive

Introductory videos about the institute

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